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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11647010) and the Foundation from the Higher Education and High-quality and World-class Universities (Grant No. PY201611).
The electronic structure and thermoelectric (TE) properties of Mg2GexSn1−x (x = 0.25, 0.50, 0.75) solid solutions are investigated by first-principles calculations and semi-classical Boltzmann theory. The special quasi-random structure (SQS) is used to model the solid solutions, which can produce reasonable band gaps with respect to experimental results. The n-type solid solutions have an excellent thermoelectric performance with maximum zT values exceeding 2.0, where the combination of low lattice thermal conductivity and high power factor (PF) plays an important role. These values are higher than those of pure Mg2Sn and Mg2Ge. The p-type solid solutions are inferior to the n-type ones, mainly due to the much lower PF. The maximum zT value of 0.62 is predicted for p-type Mg2Ge0.25Sn0.75 at 800 K. The results suggest that the n-type Mg2GexSn1−x solid solutions are promising mid-temperature TE materials.
Thermoelectric (TE) materials have attracted lots of attention because of their wide application prospects in the recovery of waste heat, the efficiency of which are measured by the dimensionless figure of merit, zT = σS2T/(κe + κl), where S, T, σ, and (κe + κl) are the Seebeck coefficient, temperature, electrical conductivity, and thermal conductivity contributed by electron (κe) and lattice (κl), respectively. For promising commercial TE materials, they should have high zT combining simultaneously high power factor S2σ and low thermal conductivity. Materials with zT > 1, such as PbTe-based alloys,[1] layered SnSe,[2] BiCuSnO oxyselenides,[3–5] Skutterudites,[6,7] half-Heusler MgAgSb,[8,9] copper chalcogenides,[10] graphdiyne,[11] and Mg2Si-based solid solutions,[12–20] have been considered for large-scale power generation application at the mid-temperature region between 400 K and 800 K. Although developing higher zT value TE materials has always been the core issue, ensuring environmental friendliness is also becoming more and more important.
The solid solution Mg2X (X = Si, Ge, Sn) compounds are made from naturally abundant non-toxic elements, which are promising green TE materials. Compared to PbTe-based TE materials, Mg2X compounds have the innate advantages of being non-toxic and low density. Most studies have been focused on the TE performance of Mg2X system, where the zT of n-type is significantly higher than that of the p-type.[19] The inferior p-type performance is mainly due to the much lower intrinsic hole mobility with respect to electron mobility in Mg2X compounds.[21] In pure binary Mg2X compounds, Mg2Sn has the highest hole to electron mobility ratio, which is considered as the appropriate test bed for p-type doping. Moreover, it is found that the intrinsic thermal conductivity is high for any pure binary Mg2X, thus, it is hard to achieve a high zT without introducing strong phonon scattering, such as solid solution and impurity doping, etc. Many efforts have been made to investigate the TE performance of Mg2X solid solution system. For instance, Liu et al.[13] studied the n-type Mg2Si1−xSnx solid solutions and found a zT value of 1.3 at 700 K; Liu et al.[22] studied the TE properties of n-type Mg2Ge0.25Sn0.75, where the zT value reached 1.4 at 723 K; Jiang et al.[23] have successfully synthesized a p-type Mg1.98Ge0.4Sn0.6Ag0.02 with zT value of 0.38 at 675 K; Boor et al.[24] investigated the potential of p-type Mg2Ge0.4Sn0.6 using Li as dopant, predicting a high power factor of 1.7 × 10−3 W/mK2 at 700 K and zTmax > 0.5; Sun et al.[19] researched Mg2Ge0.5Sn0.5 solid solution using supercell models based on first-principles calculations and found a peak zT value of 2.25 for n-type and 0.4 for p-type at 1000 K. Theoretically, the simple approach based on first principles calculations to model solid solution compounds is the supercell method. However, due to the limitations of computer performance, the conventional size of the first principles supercell can only be hundreds of atoms, which is far from enough to restore a real disordered state. Therefore, several methods have been proposed to deal with this problem, such as the cluster expansion,[25] special quasi-random structure (SQS),[26] and the virtual crystal structure method.[27] Among them, the SQS method has been successfully combined with first principles to study the electronic and thermodynamic properties of disordered phases,[28–30] the basic idea of which is to produce an SQS with configurational correlation functions (CF) very close to those of solid solutions.
In this study, we investigate the TE properties of n-type and p-type Mg2GexSn1−x (x = 0.25, 0.50, 0.75) solid solutions based on first-principles and SQS method. Mg2(Ge, Sn) solid solutions have been pointed out to having a favorable hole to electron mobility ratio, which are considered to be the most promising for p-type thermoelectricity.[31,32] Balancing the limitation of computer capability and calculation accuracy, we take the maximum usage of SQS-24 cell to model the disorder phase. We obtained higher zT values for both n-type and p-type Mg2GexSn1−x compared with the ordered supercell due to the fact that SQS structures are closer to the real disordered state with respect to the traditional supercell method. Further comparison with literature data provides some understanding of the influence of the Ge/Sn ratio on electronic and TE properties.
In this study, we consider mixing the anion sublattice of the rocksalt crystal structure Mg2GexSn1−x with x = 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75. The SQSs were generated by using the ATAT package.[33] These structural relaxations and energetic calculations were performed using density functional theory (DFT) as implemented in Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP).[34] The electron–ion interaction is described by the projector-augmented-wave (PAW) method.[35] The generalized-gradient approximation (GGA) with Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (PBE) form[36] is used to describe the exchange–correlation function. The plane-wave cutoff energy is 450 eV, and the energy convergence criterion is chosen to be 10−5 eV. The integration over the Brillouin zone (BZ) is done with 5 × 5 × 5 Monkhorst–Pack grid meshes[37] to ensure the Hellmann–Feynman forces on each ion to be less than 0.05 eV · Å−1 and energy converged to less than 0.1 meV. Phonon dispersion curves of SQSs were calculated using 2 × 2 × 2 supercell by the density functional perturbation theory (DFPT) with the help of Phonopy package.[38]
The TE transport properties of Mg2GexSn1−x were calculated by the linearized augmented-plane-wave (LAPW) method using the WIEN2k code.[39] The cutoff parameter for the basis is RminKmax = 7, and the number of k points is 1000 in BZ for the self-consistent calculations. The modified Becke– Johnson potential of Tran and Blaha (TB-mBJ)[40,41] is used to obtain the electronic structures. The TE transport properties were calculated through the semi-classical Boltzmann theory and the rigid-band approach as implemented in the BoltzTraP code.[42] The constant scattering time approximation (CSTA) is used, which is based on the assumption that the scattering time determining the electrical conductivity does not vary strongly with energy on the scale of kBT . This approximation does not involve any assumption about the possible strong doping and temperature dependence of relaxation time, τ, which has been successfully applied in predicting electrical transport properties for many TE materials.[43–45] In this way, the Seebeck coefficient S is independent of τ, while the electrical conductivity σ and κe can only be evaluated with respect to the parameter τ.
In order to produce the fraction x = 0.25 and 0.75, the minimum SQS supercell should contain 12 atoms. In this study, we consider mixing on the anion sublattice of the rocksalt crystal structure. For each fraction, the atom positions are randomly exchanged between the atoms, terminated until the atomic arrangement of a supercell converges to the closest CFs of the random solution and the error is estimated by
![]() | Table 1.
Pair and multi-site correlation functions of SQS structures for Mg2GexSn1−x solid solutions. . |
For the SQS-12 supercell, the errors of the CF are 1.0 for x = 0.25 (0.75) and 1.22 for x = 0.5 accounting for the 7th nearest neighbors. Though SQS-12 possesses many pair correlations that match the random alloy statistics, the discrepancies are relatively large. In order to minimize error, we doubled the SQS supercell, and the CFs of SQS-24 are also listed in
The special quasi-random structures with 24 atoms for these three solid solutions are shown in the following Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. (color online) The SQSs of Mg2GexSn1−x solid solutions with (a) x=0.25, (b) x=0.5, and (c) x=0.75, respectively. The number of atoms in the SQS unit cell is 24. |
Using these SQSs, we calculated the phonon dispersion curves, as shown in Fig.
The total density of states (DOS) and projected density of states of Mg2GexSn1−x solid solutions are shown in Fig.
The Debye temperature (ΘD) describes atomic vibrations to be elastic waves and it is related to the sound velocity.[48] The Debye temperature can be expressed as follows:
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where h and kB are Planck and Boltzmann constants, respectively, n is the number of atoms in one unit cell, Ω is the volume per unit cell, and vm is the averaged sound velocity. Approximately, the averaged sound velocity can be calculated by the following expression
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![]() | Table 2.
The calculated elastic constants (Cij, in unit GPa), bulk modulus (B, in unit GPa), shear modulus (G, in unit GPa), density (ρ, in units g/cm3), volume (V, in units Å3), transverse sound velocity (vt, in units m/s), longitudinal sound velocity (vl, in units m/s), mean sound velocity (vm, in units m/s), Debye temperature (ΘD, in unit K), and minimum lattice thermal conductivity (κmin) of Mg2GexSn1−x (x = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75) solid solutions. . |
Based on Debye theory, the lattice thermal conductivity is proportional to 1/T at low temperature and reaches the minimum value at high temperature. When the temperature is higher than the Debye temperature, the lattice thermal conductivity can be well estimated using the minimum lattice thermal conductivity (κmin), where the phonon scattering is dominated by the Umklapp process. The κmin can be calculated according to the following expression[50]
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with V the average volume per atom. The results are also listed in
The TE transport properties of Mg2GexSn1−x solid solutions were calculated by semi-classical Boltzmann theory with CSTA. Using the W–F formula, κe = LσT, the zT can be further expressed as zT = rS2/L, where L = 2.45 × 10−8 W · Ω/K2 is the standard Lorenz number and r = κe/(κe + κl) ≤ 1. Thus, in order to obtain the zT value, one still needs to calculate the σ and S parameters. It is well known that the carrier concentration of a TE material with a good performance is in the range of 1019 to 1020 carriers per cm−3.
Thus, in Fig.
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the S is proportional to the effective mass of carrier, m∗. From Fig.
From the electronic structures above, σ/τ can be easily calculated as a function of carrier concentration and temperature. However, in order to isolate the electrical conductivity σ, one should use the relation, σ = (σ/τ) × τ, based on the CSTA, where the scattering time τ should be known. In typical electron–phonon regime, τ is proportional to T−1n−1/3. Thus, in the following, we use the experimental data to determine τ and obtain the electrical conductivity σ. For p-type Mg2GexSn1−x (x = 0.25, 0.5), the experimental data from Jiang et al.[23] is used. In this literature, the Ag-doped Mg1.98Ag0.02Ge0.4Sn0.6 solid solution has been successfully synthesized. We select the same typical temperature of 400 K as that in Ref. [19]. At 400 K, the Seebeck coefficient S is about 203 μV/K. Compared with the calculated S from Fig.
The corresponding power factors (PF), S2σ, can then be obtained, which are shown in Figs.
We show in Fig.
All the TE parameters are unified by zT value to measure the TE performance. In Fig.
In the present paper, the electronic structure and TE properties of solid solutions Mg2GexSn1−x (x = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75) have been studied by combining the first-principles calculations and the semi-classical Boltzmann theory. The special quasi-random structure method is used to produce the structures to model the solid solutions of Mg2GexSn1−x. The maximum value of zT is predicted to be 2.45 for the n-type Mg2Ge0.5Sn0.5 at 800 K with a carrier concentration of 3.28 × 1019 cm−3, which is mainly due to the combination of high power factor and low lattice thermal conductivity. The zT values of solid solutions are higher than those of their corresponding pure compounds. The performance of the p-type Mg2GexSn1−x is inferior to the n-type one. The maximum zT value of 0.62 for the p-type appears in Mg2Ge0.25Sn0.75 at 800 K with a carrier concentration of 8.66 × 1019 cm−3. The n-type Mg2GexSn1−x solid solutions could be an outstanding TE material for practical applications due to its good TE performance. For p-type solid solutions, we still need to investigate other ways to enhance the TE performance in our future studies.
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